Four Mindsets that transform the way you live life and do business
I am GEORGE VAN (Cambridge, PhD) and I share my mindset, insights and outlook as The Entrepreneur Professor – PREFESSOR.com, The Present, Positive and Persistent Leader – PRESITENT.com, The Doctor Trainer – DOCTROR.com and the Renter Enterpriser – RENTERPRISER.com.
I have always believed in blending mindsets, insights and outlooks to understand the world like no other and create opportunities that are beyond the reach of almost anyone. Pushing the boundaries of the way we think, decide and act in life and business is key to being our true self and making the most of what life and business have to offer. For it’s the little things in life and business that make the biggest difference for us to have a real impact.
join us on this journey to benefit from each other’s mindsets, insights and outlooks and grow as a person and a business!
succeed in the art & science of business
We are all in the business of art and science. The art and science of business. The three single most important things that determine success and failure in business are: Our Strategy. Our Decisions. Our Execution. All three are an art as much as they are a science. All three are as risky as they are safe. And all three are within our control. If we want them to be. Yet, most people and businesses fail due to: Their Strategy. Their Decisions. Their Execution. Because they fail in: their KNOW-WHY. Their KNOW-HOW. Their KNOW-WHAT. The odds are stacked against you. But you have what it takes to stack them in your favour. The bad news: We don’t have all the answers. The good news: We don’t have to. Because we ask the right questions. And we get the answers that matter most: Your KNOW-WHY. Your KNOW-HOW. Your KNOW-WHAT. To pull the levers that matter most: Your Strategy. Your Decisions. Your Execution. I am GEORGE VAN (PhD, Cambridge) and and I share my mindset, insights and outlook as The ENTREPRENEUR PROFESSOR – The PREFESSOR. Through my own academic research, executive training and business practice, I team up with the world’s top university professors, company executives and venture entrepreneurs. Together we create better minds, gather better intelligence, and build better businesses better and for better reasons.
leaders don’t create followers but leaders
We don’t have a crisis of leadership. We have a crisis of leaders. True leaders don’t create followers. True leaders create leaders. They inspire people. They instill purpose. They install process. True leaders know that position, power and prestige are nothing but manifestations of leadership. True leaders know that people, purpose and process are the underlying sources of leadership. The difference between true leaders and those who are not lies in that true leaders are PRESITENT: PRESENT through PEOPLE. POSITIVE through PURPOSE. PERSISTENT through PROCESS. I am GEORGE VAN (PhD, Cambridge) and I share my mindset, insights and outlook as The PRESITENT– The Present, Positive, Persistent Leader. Through my academic research, executive training and business practice, I sit down with the next generation of world leaders, captains of industry and top athletes to redefine leadership. Together we create leaders who transform our lives and businesses for the better. We don’t make leaders. We don’t teach leadership. We believe you can only do it yourself. Some leaders are born. Other leaders are made. True leaders are PRESITENT.
How to trust your own intelligence
We live in an age where subtraction is the only addition, change is the only constant and uncertainty is the only certainty. Success or failure in life and business then is down to one thing: The way we think, decide and act. And all three are within our control. If we want them to be. In a world where everyone uses AI, it is our natural intelligence that makes the difference. Boost your cognitive abilities. Sharpen your powers of judgement. Take advantage of your behavioural biases. Let’s have our natural intelligence do what AI can’t do so you can: Trust your own THOUGHTS. Trust your own DECISIONS. Trust your own ACTIONS. And be the BEST you can be. I am GEORGE VAN (PhD, Cambridge) and I share my mindset, insights and outlook as The DOCTROR – The DOCTOR TRAINER TEACHER RESEARCHER. Through my own academic research, executive training and business practice, I team up with leaders, executives, entrepreneurs, scientists and artists. Together we transform the way we think, decide and act so we are the best we can be.
Less rent-seeking & more spirit of enterprise
We have two major problems of our own making that hold back innovation, stifle economic growth and depress our standard of living: Too much economic rent-seeking. And too little spirit of enterprise. It’s a lose-lose. How to turn it into a win-win? By teaming up with RENTER-OWNERS with valuable assets, RENTER-USERS with unfulfilled demands and ENTERPRISERS with renewable value propositions and repeatable business models. it is my mission to combine reasonable economic rent-seeking with a renascent spirit of enterprise and create the RENTERPRISER economy. I am GEORGE VAN (PhD, Cambridge) and I share my mindset, insights and outlook as The RENTERPRISER – The RENTER ENTERPRISER. I share my mindset, insights and outlook as the RENTERPRISER – The RENTER ENTERPRISER. I team up with RENTER-OWNERS, RENTER-USERS and ENTERPRISERS. Together we combine reasonable economic rent-seeking with a renascent spirit of enterprise. We strive to create renewable value propositions and repeatable business models by building rewarding enterprises that transform our lives.

You can tell a person’s character by what they do, not by what they say. This is what I say and do:
The Entrepreneur Professor who builds better businesses better.
Master with the PREFESSOR
The Present, Positive and Persistent Leader who transforms lives.
Lead with the PRESITENT
The Doctor Trainer who transforms the way you think, decide and act.
Train with the DOCTROR
My personal take on what it takes to be FIRST & SPECIAL and why it matters.
Share purpose. Solve problems. Serve People. Be first. Be special. Be FIRSP.
My personal take on what Equity, Equality and Equivalency really mean.
Own your fair Stake, Shot and Share.
My personal take on Renewable Energy that is realistic, reliable and reasonable.
Renewable Energy that works for us.